
RJA #2b: Research Topic

Deforestation and the Destruction of the Rain Forest is the topic I have selected in order to present in writing the results of my research in support of my argument as well as opposing arguments. At first glance I sort of know the definition of deforestation but the reasons behind why it is happening is what I want to learn more about. I understand deforestation as the act of cutting down and destroying the world's forests and rain forests in order to gain capital or to make space for commercial and residential buildings. I choose this topic because I am very interested in environmental actions of the world and things we have to do now before the rain forest is completely gone and the up-coming generations have absolutely nothing. As far as the choice of my topic and what I know about it is very small. I pretty much know that forests and rain forests around the world are being cut down to open up opportunities for others like cattle grazing and such. I don't fully agree with the idea of Global Warming but I would have to side with the fact that deforestation can make a global impact on climate change. What I don't completely understand is why they have to cut down the rain forest to achieve these goals. Why the rain forest and why so many acres? I would like to get more informed on the social impacts, soil impacts, and just general world-wide impacts of deforestation.

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