
RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

  • Name(s) of author(s): William F. Laurance, Mark A. Cochrane, Scott Bergen, Philip M. Fearnside, Patricia Delamonica, Christopher Barber, Sammya D'Angelo, and Tito Fernandes
  • Title of article: Environment: The Future of the Brazilian Amazon
  • Title of periodical: Science
  • Volume and issue number (if available): Volume 291, no. 5503
  • Date: January 2001
  • Pages on which article appears: p. 138-139
  • Resource searched: Auraria Library
  • Keywords used: Deforestation + Amazon
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches)
  • Date of search: 9/24/09
  • Number of hits: 1284
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): 4 with 5 being a high relevance


RJA #5c: Search String Check


RJA #5b: Books

  • Name(s) of author(s), editor(s), translator(s), and/or compiler(s) : John F Richards, Richard P Tucker, Duke University: Center for International Studies
  • Title and subtitle of the book: World Deforestation in the Twentieth Century
  • Edition number or information: Duke Press Policy Studies
  • Number(s) of volume used: N/A
  • Name of series: N/A
  • Place of publication (include state if needed): Durham, North Carolina
  • Name of publisher: Durham, Duke University Press
  • Date of publication (copyright): 1988

  • Resource searched: Auraria Library
  • Keywords used: Deforestation
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches)
  • Date of search: 22 September 2009
  • Number of hits: 3,318
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): 3 because I could have made my search not as broad.

RJA #5a: Reference Articles

  • Name(s) of author(s) of the article: Jeff Haskins
  • Title of the article: New study: Farmers protecting and growing significant amount of world's trees
  • Title of reference work:

    Scientists use detailed satellite images to reveal the vital role of trees on 1 billion hectares of agricultural lands in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe

  • Place of publication (include state if needed): NAIROBI, KENYA
  • Name of publisher : World Agroforestry Centre
  • Date of publication: 24 August 2009
  • Page number(s): 1 page

  • Resource searched : Science Accelerator to find EurekAlert!
  • Keywords used: Deforestation AND impact
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): boolean
  • Date of search: 17 September 2009
  • Number of hits: 694
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): 4 out of 5 when 5 is of high relevance


RJA #4c: Checking Research Questions



RJA# 4b: Writing Search Strings

Directory > Society and Culture > Environment and Nature > Global Change > Deforestation

Directory > Society and Culture > Environment and Nature > Water Resources > Rivers and Streams > Individual Rivers and Streams > Amazon River and Rainforest > Organizations

Deforestation + Rain Forests

Deforestation + Rain Forests - Global Warming

Clear Cutting + Rain Forests

Deforestation OR Vegetarian

Deforestation AND Economy

Science AND Deforestation

RJA #4a: Generating Keywords


ST=Synonymis terms

LOG=Ladder of Generalization

What is the future of deforestation and is there anything we can do about it now?


-what we have to look forward to
-clear cutting
-destruction of rainforest
-tree removal
"Anything we can do"
-things to turn it around


-economic pros and cons



RJA #3c: Developing Research Question

Who is deforestation impacting the most?
What is the future of deforestation and is there anything we can do about it now?
When is someone going to take some global action to stop deforestation?
Where is deforestation making the biggest impact?
How can you and me make a difference for the world and help stop deforestation?
Why should we be scared and what do we have to be scared about?
Should there be more strict laws to govern deforestation?
Would the forests ever go back to the way they use to be if all deforestation for the worse seized right now?

3. I am writing to all college students with interests in anything from snowboarding to dance to cars to sports. My purpose in my writing is to fully pursuade and argue my point to the correct side that something is wrong with the way people look at deforestation right now.

What is the controversy surrounding deforestation and what do we as humans have to look forward to in the future if we minimal forests thoroughout planet earth? Some may not even know what deforestation is but I feel like it is a global threat that all should know about; all the good and bad things it brings.

RJA #3b: Narrowing Research Topic

I feel like broadening my topic of deforestation is going to be for the better. I think with this move I can bring in more stregthening topics to help bolt down my argument. Throughout the world deforestation is occuring and alot of people dont know how many problems it is causing both directly and indirectly. Cutting down of the rain forest can account for alot of the carbon dioxide emissions were are afraid are leading to global climate change. Another issue with deforestation is that ranchers are moving into the forest areas to let their cattle graze. Cattle and meat create a very high carbon dioxide emission in which some believe to be even greater than the global co2 emissions from cars. This is very interesting! Could being green and vegetarian be the next thing to help solve global climate change ( and no that is not the same thing as global warming - - a hoax )

RJA #3a: Exploring Research Topic

After reading Chapter 3 in the textbook I learned that identifying a topic can be easier than you think. This chapter easily displayed great ways to narrow down your topic and to start your research off on the right step. It also helped me to develop a strong research question for my argumentative paper.

Here is a link to my delicious account... http://delicious.com/nhltfour

all entries for september 3rd are all websited I found that may come in handy when I really start to rip apart this subject and start my argumentative paper.