
RJA# 4b: Writing Search Strings

Directory > Society and Culture > Environment and Nature > Global Change > Deforestation

Directory > Society and Culture > Environment and Nature > Water Resources > Rivers and Streams > Individual Rivers and Streams > Amazon River and Rainforest > Organizations

Deforestation + Rain Forests

Deforestation + Rain Forests - Global Warming

Clear Cutting + Rain Forests

Deforestation OR Vegetarian

Deforestation AND Economy

Science AND Deforestation


  1. Your search terms look good. You could also try keywords like deforestation impacts, climate change, logging, forest denuding.

  2. Hi! I think it’s a great topic for you to be discussing, since its true, that it has very serious long term impacts.
    In regards to the setup of your keywords for the search engine, I would suggest for you to do something like:
    1) Deforest* AND impacts OR consequences
    2) Deforestation AND awareness AND action*
    3) (Cattle OR Meat) NEAR (carbon dioxide) NEAR (global warming) AND deforestation
    Either way, it looks like you know where you’re going. :)

  3. Great search strings, all of them work.
