
RJA #3b: Narrowing Research Topic

I feel like broadening my topic of deforestation is going to be for the better. I think with this move I can bring in more stregthening topics to help bolt down my argument. Throughout the world deforestation is occuring and alot of people dont know how many problems it is causing both directly and indirectly. Cutting down of the rain forest can account for alot of the carbon dioxide emissions were are afraid are leading to global climate change. Another issue with deforestation is that ranchers are moving into the forest areas to let their cattle graze. Cattle and meat create a very high carbon dioxide emission in which some believe to be even greater than the global co2 emissions from cars. This is very interesting! Could being green and vegetarian be the next thing to help solve global climate change ( and no that is not the same thing as global warming - - a hoax )

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