
RJA #10a: Thesis Statement

Research Question: What is Deforestation and what can we do as humans to reverse this?
Precise Claim: Deforestation is destructive and we, in fact, can do something about it.
-Attack the world's ecosystems
-Trees are a renewable resource but they can not be renewed fast enough to account for the amount of trees being cut down.
-Irreversable damage inflicted on the local ecosystem
-Can attribute to the worlds global climate crisis that we may be heading into
Thesis Statement #1: (Complete Thesis Statement)
At a proposed standstill, world deforestation is attacking out planets forests and rain forest at a mind-blowing increasing rate. This environmental phenomenon has many negative attributes that are destroying our world's ecosystem. This destruction can and should be reversed in order to keep a stable environment on our planet.

1 comment:

  1. I think your thesis statement is good, you can out to our in the first sentence, other than that good job.
