
RJA #9: Evaluation of Sources

SOURCE #1: Book
Richards, John F., and Richard P. Tucker. World Deforestation in the Twentieth Century. Duke Press policy studies. Durham: Duke University Press, 1988.

From first glance even without digging further into this evaluation I noticed that this book was published by Duke University which is a probably a good indication that this source is credible. But if I didn't know that at first I would want to look further into this source...as I did. Another thing I noticed was the publish date, 1988. This kind of turns my mind away from using this source alot because deforestation has definitely become more and more "into" the media in the last 10-20 years. Just for grins I did a search through the Auraria library with just the authors name, John F. Richards, and 107 items came up. This makes me feel even better about this source and its credibility. John F. Richard was a professor of history at the University of Duke and long-time supporter of the American Institute of Pakistan Studies.

SOURCE #2: Book
Laurance, William F., and Carlos A. Peres. Emerging Threats to Tropical Forests. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006

1. Published from the University of Chicago Press: GOOD. in the year 2006: EVEN BETTER. The author William F. Laurance is a Staff Scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: VERY GOOD THING. I think this is a very credible source and that it could be helpful in my research assignment.

Source #3: Website

This website I found was published by Deborah Mitchell, who is a senior editor for environmental protection volunteer opportunities. With her working for a volunteer agency makes me think that this could be a website with information with what she thinks and not the facts of turning deforestation into reforestation. It is pretty much a website that shows the reader the challenge of deforestation and how we can make a difference. I feel like this could be an OK place to find information but not the best place. Deborah Mitchell has been a freelance writer and editor for more than twenty-five years. Mitchell has authored or coauthored dozens of books on health, nutrition, and medical topics, all with major publishers. She began her career while simultaneously attending Trenton State College for a bachelor’s in English.

Source #4: Article
Laurance, W F, M A Cochrane, S Bergen, P M Fearnside, P Delamonica, C Barber, S D Angelo, and T Fernandes. "ENVIRONMENT: The Future of the Brazilian Amazon."Science. 291. 5503 (2001): 438

This article was found through the Auraria Library. The article is from the magazine Science which is a very highly respected magazine when it comes to publishing things about science. The magazine Science is published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The first author listed of this article is actually the same one found in my Source #2. Read that and you can see that this is a credible source.

Source #5: Social Media

This article is from treehugger.com is a place where blogs can be found and referenced. The article/blog I found was about Brazil announcing planning to slow Amazon deforestation by 70%. There were links to the BBC where news articles could be found about this announcement. I feel like this is a very credible source.

Source #6: Website

This website I found seemed very useful but I then found out it was from a student that created his own page and created this article. The information that was credible and linked seemed legit but all other info was from the college student. I would use this article for links to other more credible websites.

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