
Internet Research Project

Internet Research Tool


-a search engine desgined to search into the "Deep Web"
-the Deep Web is a huge-collection of high-quality hard to find information

-Less than .2% of the Internet is indexed by traditional search engines
-the remaining 99.8% represents the "Deep Web"

-It searches the "Deep Web", which is sometimes difficult to search because content is unstructured or subscription-based, making it difficult to index

-Less junk and irrelevant results

-Highlight and search function
-Can highlight certain word groups and search all of Deep Dyve for that group of highlighted words.

-As of right now it really only deals with medical and science areas of interest but is quickly expanding into other specialized areas of interest.

-Doesnt have an advanced search function because of how advanced it already is.

-All search operators and stop words can be used when searching.

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