
RJA #13a: Field Research Report–

Interview: question posted on AllExperts.com

Expert: Nik Kaestner - 7/18/2007

What is deforestation?

Deforestation is the loss of forests through burning or logging. Usually this is done to make room for farms or livestock. While most (though not all) developed countries replant trees to replace the ones they lost, most developing countries do not. Hence, over time, the amount of forest land is decreasing and carbon is being released into the atmosphere. This contributes to global climate change. Even in the US, large tracts of forest are still clear-cut to this day, meaning that every single tree is cut down instead of selectively logging, where a few trees are taken from a particular area each year.

Expert: Dr. Jesse LaPrade - 5/1/2008

I was wondering if you could tell me how deforestation is effecting the future of our planet,
Thank you very much.

Deforestation is cutting trees and that deletes their beneficial effect's on global warming. Trees and all plants use carbon dioxide for growth and give off oxygen. All animals use oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Since the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is said to increase or enhance global warming and when trees can and do reduce carbon dioxide levels significantly, you can see why trees and plants play a key role in balancing the planets carbon dioxide levels.

Trees also clean up water and purify it by using it and then respiring water to the environment as a gas or vapor. The water then comes back to earth as rainwater that has been cleaned up.

There are many needs and uses for forest trees which man currently exploits. This requires that more trees and plants be planted and grown to replace the ones that are harvested.

Also when trees are burned they release great quantities of carbon dioxide which wastes the tree resources and significantly adds to global warming.

In essence it is bad enough to cut the trees and use their harvested products but even much worse to see trees burn from forest fires.

Expert: Dana Krempels, Ph.D. - 8/29/2007

At what rate is the rainforest shrinking and at what point could our resources from the rainforests be depleted?

I think you will be able to find the answers to these questions and more here:


The current rate of deforestation of rainforest is about 1.5 - 2 acres per second--about 130,000 acres per day. Scary.

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