
RJA #12a: Progress Report

1) What I have accomplished:
-A solid Introduction
-An intriguing thesis statement
-A solid outline that should be very helpful in the full creation of my argument
-The start of a very rough rough draft
-Have found most of my sources
2) What I NEED to accomplish: (the bigger list)
-Need to work more on the refutations that refute my argument of being against deforestation
-Need to find a few more articles that are "pro" deforestation
-Need to continue writing/creating my rough draft that is due in 10 days.
-I plan to write at least 1 page a day and hopefully that will help me with piecing together my final paper with just alot of reviewing to be done
-Need to create a powerpoint for my presentation
*Due November 17th...
-write, write, write, edit, edit, edit

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